Since the Pandemic, Builders are predicting how future homes will look on the new normal. Homes quickly became more than just a simple home, they became an office, schools, gyms as well. Homeowners are now reconsidering space functionality as popular design features have become less workable and turning buyers to new construction as a must.
Today, there is a high demand for privacy spaces at home that’s driving building decisions, so far Open Concept living had gained popularity over the past few years, however currently builders and owners are removing doors and walls in order to combine spaces, offering families the feeling and sense of togetherness, we need more privacy and quiet spaces to work, to study, or to be on a business meeting! When you talk to people, most of them are considering moving to have a home with more rooms.
More privacy
Homeowners, or first time home buyers are looking for rooms, this means more doors, especially to build home offices, as well as more rooms with insulation of noise, and separate spaces to keep the kids busy while parents work at home.
Separated spaces in homes
The coronavirus has increased the need to keep the home and spaces clean and free of germs, builders are already thinking of ways to incorporate separate spaces such as mud rooms in the garages to take off shoes off, wash hands and get clean before entering the house.
Smart-home features
Aside room separations or more divisions required on the new normal at homes, features like touchless faucets , bidets and self-cleaning toilets will become increasingly popular as the pandemic goes on.